Monday, 12 November 2012

Single and ready to Mingle

A friend and I were discussing dating websites and those specifically aimed at people of a similar hobby, political standing or belief. This all came about because I said that, should I have children I would like them to have a Catholic education as I did.
Not a crazy Catholic upbringing I would like to confirm, I would want them to have a progressive education, which gives them all points of view, and allow them to make their own choices (Just clarifying before anyone gets up in arms about religion with me)
So she asked why I have, in the past, gone out with people who are of no religion or not the same religion as me (they have been Church of England so it is not a huge leap)
Now I don’t really think it matters now if they guy I date is Catholic or not because I’m not dating anyone seriously, thinking about marriage or children. My friend however thinks different, she thinks you are setting yourself up for a fall dating in this way and if you know what your priorities are then you should target those men as potential dates in one of the catered environments.
Determined to prove her wrong I joined, against my better judgement, a Christian dating site and have been a member for a few weeks. I was letting this experiment tick over for a while before writing it up.  
I filled in my profile with the usual stuff, I was not about to change my personal description to “Mother Theresa thought of me as her right hand girl and I know the pope personally” or anything like that. I have my view, you may not like my view, deal with it because I deal with yours.
1.       There were about 10 men in my area, that’s was all, everyone else lived a plane ride away
2.       Levels of Christianity went from what I would label extreme to claiming to be Jesus’ long lost twin.
3.       It wasn’t catholic specific and allowed far too many crazy one man churches to contact me.
4.       I was being chatted up by a priest (of a non-Catholic church I should point out this guy is allowed to marry) but it weirded me out!
The nice things
1.       People are very respectful in their dealings with you, I’ve not had any messages about having a “lovely set of “insert object here”” to describe my chest
2.       The men can send you little cards, which is sweet, rather than getting winked at or poked, today I was called a lovely lady on a little e-card – And she saw the card and saw it was good.
3.       People are praying for me apparently, all over the place there are little candles just for me, which is great as long as none of them cause a fire.
Now the Christian dating site did provide me with a really good laugh, mostly at other peoples expense (I said I was a Catholic, not a good Catholic)  But I don’t think it is the way to go unless you are extremely into the lifestyle that the site lends itself to (not just religion but anything) These specific sites should be given wide birth. If there were a dating website for people who like potholing you wouldn’t join it just because you fell down a ditch two years ago, would you?
I am still firmly on the side of the more general websites, which allow you room to consider what the most important things in a partner are to you. I could meet someone tomorrow who goes to church on a Sunday and acts like a prick for the other six and a half days of the week, or I could meet a guy who wouldn’t know the inside of a church from the inside of an ice cream van…
(You get food in both but in one of them a man in a dress gives you wine- RUN KIDS)
But that guy could be a prince. So having experimented with the religious website hopeing to find my catholic but liberal and modern thinking prince charming I think I’ll take my chances with the general population. After all they can’t all be that bad can they?


1 comment:

  1. Today, there is online dating, internet dating, SMS dating or what so ever you may call it. This is how technology revolves over the years.
