Sunday, 17 June 2012

The devil's in the retail

Date number four had been arranged for this weekend and I was quite nervous, after all if date number four turned out to be a bust I was about to start thinking I was the problem (ok not really, I'm a woman after all, we are never the problem!)

Postponing a date: This is something which runs the risk of putting your date off, it's not something that should be done without a valid excuse. On Friday I got struck down with something very unsavoury and as honest as I am in my blog I'll spare you the details, needless to say I was not going to run the risk of a date in that state and running to the loo every two mins!

So I postponed but Robert was very understanding. I had worried he would think it was a case of cold dating feet but he just asked if I was ok and said to let me know if I would fancy meeting up later in the weekend.

When we eventually did meet up he didn't seem to mind that I had cancelled and rearranged so it all seemed good.

Robert 29, retail manager

Robert works in retail and is studying a degree at present, he lives at home ( a bachelor type existence as it is only his dad at home) he has a varied and wide social group. He arrived and seemed extremely nervous but we have spent the last couple of weeks exchanging our horror stories So he was probably expecting me to be a three headed monster.

He has about as much luck as me it would seem.

Because I had postponed I didn't have a ton of time to spend on this date and whilst initial dates are usually short (or mine have been so far while they have eaten my dust) I could have spent more time talking to Robert.

Ain't that just the law of sod?! He laughed at my jokes, told me that despite most people not looking as good as their online pictures I was a pleasant surprise as I looked better (another nugget of gold dust lads!)

Now all this flattery and laughing like I was Billy Connelly on acid may have been Robert just being kind but I didn't care I was actually having fun on a date! Fourth time lucky it would seem.

The advantages of being unwell of course (we women look for them where we can find them) is that my tummy looked thinner and I couldn't drink and make a prat of myself as daytime drinking does that to me. Win win in the end.

Robert has since text to say he would like to do it again and you know what? So would I, as I looked at him across the table I asked myself the test question as I do on all my dates, can I imagine kissing him? And I could (not then obviously to lip lock him mid sentence might have been a bit much!)

However: Robert and I had a discussion about the unrealistic expectations of people in the online dating world and he seemed on the same wavelength as me. I believe that everyone is entitled to date around a bit, one date does not an exclusive relationship make!

Robert also mentioned that you obviously are able to see when people are online from their green light (it's a little button on your profile)And that after a date you both know that when you see each other online, of course your chatting to other people. He seemed realistic about it.

I logged on this evening to reply to a few messages I had from people who I have been talking to for a few weeks, I then receive an instant messenger alert from Robert just saying "hi" which wouldn't bother me accept that he had just text me at the same time.

Perhaps I am reading too much into it to think he was cheekily saying "caught you" and if Robert turns out to be a stalker my reputation in picking men will only be solidified!

Only time will tell on this one but I'll not judge him too readily, after all at the moment he is the only good date in a bunch of bad!

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