Wednesday 1 May 2013

Donegal 0 - @gal_single 1

So I was supposed to be going on a date with Donegal, the Irish lad I met on St Patricks night.

It was arranged for the beginning of last week but I decided to stay home and watch paint dry instead, here’s why…

My friend Hanka works in the pub where I met Donegal and a few nights ago she saw him and his friends in there. Girls are like MI5 when it comes to sharing information and she sent me a text to say that he was really nice and I should definitely enjoy my date. Let’s just say Hanka is not known for her taste in men.

The date was booked for Monday, since I had the day off work. Donegal had text me over the weekend and asked if I was still up for our date. I said I was really looking forward to it.

I text him at about 10am on the day of our date asking where I should be meeting him and at what time. He didn’t reply until 6pm. Now this was very annoying because had I known we would not be having an early afternoon date, as I had previously thought, I would have gone to visit my dad. As it was I’d stayed at my house thinking we would be meeting early.

His text came from an unknown number and he said he had left his phone at home but was using a friends, he had finished work now and could meet me.

I asked him again where and what time? – Useful information if planning a date boys!

He said he was already at the pub so whenever I was ready – So the date was top priority?! Not

I asked him where we would be going. – Surely he wasn’t going to ask me to the same pub as his friends were drinking in?

He suggested we stay in the pub

With his friends? I asked

Its ok, he text, his friends would sit elsewhere and watch the match.

Now I have a couple of problems with this. The most obvious being that I do not consider sitting in the pub with him and his friends, watching the match, a date. A date should be given your full attention. His invite for me to join him at the pub was the equivalent of me inviting him to Topshop. I would have been bored within 30 seconds and his friends clearly take priority over our date if he cannot leave them for one evening.  

I was disappointed I will admit, that he didn’t feel me worthy of a little more wooing than that. It’s a lost art these days to show a girl a good time.

Some men, not all men I should add but some of them, want a woman who will be an accessory for them, someone happy to sit in the pub quietly whilst he spends time with his friends. Someone to sit there and look pretty if you will. I am not one of these women.

Men - Unless the lady you’re dating is a football fan, and requests watching the match, assume that she would prefer a wine bar.

My other problem, not that it is really any of my concern really but it is just that is reeks of bullshit is the phone thing.

Had he left his phone at home he wouldn’t have had my number to send me a text from his friend’s phone which makes me think he either has two, and possibly a job as a secret agent (men who have two phones are always suspicious to single women) or else he is lying for another reason i.e. not wanting to fess up that he has run out of credit.

Donegal lives practically next door to the pub. So he could have just gone home to get it.

Donegal is also a builder, so surely before a date he would have had to go home for a shower, and therefore could have picked up his phone.  

Who the fuck doesn’t shower before a date if they have a manual job? Well Donegal clearly didn’t think it necessary that before taking me out he rub a little soap round his pits!   

So I told him I wasn’t really up for it and perhaps we could do it some other time. It was the soft brush off really but by now I couldn’t be arsed.

In my mind a man should plan a proper date not invite you along to a lads night out. And the telephone riddle bothered me.

Fast forward a couple of nights and Hanka text me again to say he had been in the pub all day, now this was a guy who said he liked going out weekends but not during the week as he worked on the building site, had to be up early etc.

From what Hanka could work out his work it would seem is casual and not a proper job and the days he is not working he is in the pub from opening time until it closes.

Donegal did eventually text me again, a week later, and I told him I wasn’t interested.  

In one weeks’ time I will be beginning my journey to the emerald isle and taking in the sights of Dublin, Derry and Belfast with Brother_Single.

And once I return I will definitely be dragging the group of girls who have agreed to it to the speed dating which I have been trying to organise for ages!

It’s been so long since I’ve had a good date I am starting to forget what they feel like, and that’s seriously depressing.

Until next time

Love SG X

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