Monday, 3 March 2014

Coming up for coffee

I realise I haven't filled you in on what happened with the drunky monkey date.

After I had out him on the train and he text to apologise/offer me sexual favours I had written this date off.

But I was swayed by a couple of people at work who said he may have been nervous and to give him a shot, after all we had loads in common at the start of the first date.

So I relented and he invited me for coffee close the my office, he would text me when he was near my workplace he said.

At ten to six I text him to see if we were still meeting, I don't finish till six but I hadn't heard from him since that morning. No reply.

So I took myself off to the station, my train leaves at half six and that was all the time I was going to give him. Half six came and went and I left on my train home. I was half expecting a text to say he had arrived but I figured in those circumstances I would just arrange it for another night, I hadn't taken him out of his way.

No text. Nothing, from that day to this I haven't heard from him. Part of me thinks he just wanted to see if he could get me out with him again and once this was confirmed he wasn't bothered about meeting up.

Perhaps the thought of sobriety that evening was just too much for him.

Whatever the reason it is incredibly rude and I am very happy I didn't waste time hanging around. I deleted his number quickly to avoid any circumstance where I might sent him a "you're a fucking shit bag" text (it's tempting)

A colleague of mine is single and has agreed to go speed dating with me, after some persuasion. She is an avid football (soccer) fan and said she didn't think it was be for her as that's all she'll have to talk about with the men. I'd say that makes her almost every mans dream woman!

Until next time

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